Rabbit of the Moon


Glowing moon on his forehead, changes based on emotional state.
Visible technological enhancements all over body.
Unusually pink hair.
Eyes often glow grey.
Travels everywhere.
Strange aether (Gyokuto)
Fractured memory
Weapon transforms/appears based on needs.
Allagan background.
Venue and RP
I help with a venue called Higanban-ya that takes place in Neo-Kugane under the great Kiyoha! Check the place out when you get a chance! Carrd Linked!

Fahn is the Co-owner of the Higanban-ya. A club in the future dystopian Neo-Kugane. He serves as the owner Kiyoha's right hand, protecting and watching over its employees and the premises. In public he is a very pleasant , well spoken gentlemen who serves as the venue's proprietor, making sure all patrons are bereft of gil, but full of enjoyment.
Outside of the venue, he is a bitter man, with a strong distrust of all those around him, save for the Kami he has sworn himself to, and those he has sworn to protect under her.
RP and the like!

I am open to all kinds of RP, but prefer long running stories!
Just an example of some RP I am ok with!1. Canon RP - This is where we try our best to stick with the lore of the world in FFXIV2. Non Canon RP - For the most part, anything goes. Have fun with it! You want to be the last remaining Acian god married to Emet? Do it.
You want to be a regular traveler from the first and back? Hell yeah!
You want to be in a completely different time period altogether? I'm down!3. 18+ RP and Mature themes (Drugs, sex, crime) always welcome!

About the ooc

Simply put, I am a man who believes the most valuable thing a person can share is their time. If we RP, chat, run content together, know that every minute you share is greatly appreciated and by extension you are as well.I have a myriad of characters and have been RPing since Heavensward. That all being said, I am not the greatest RPer or writer. I struggle with writing but I do recognize I am far better now than when I started. All I ask from you is that you allow me to get even better so that our time, or time shared with others, becomes an increasingly better experience with each meeting. And if it's not, do not be afraid to express why.I accept all criticism!


Fahn's memory of his past is nearly gone, having had been found in an old abandoned Allagan test facility. Released by a mysterious woman named Samaira, he struggled to find himself a place in this new world. Thanks to the help of Samaira Ambrose, he was able to recover memories of his past, the woman raised him, and eventually fall in love.However something always felt as if it were missing. When interacting with others, he will show two sides of himself. One being more carefree about his surroundings and situation, the other, distrustful of any who approach. As more and more of his past gets discovered... the more unsure of who he is, and who he believes he should be.

Life/soul Partner
After discovering Fahn inside of a an old Allagan facility filled with Allagan experiments, Samaira Ambrose releases him. Her own goals at this point were unknown. However, thanks to her nurturing nature, not only was she able to help the mentally broken Fahn, but she was able to provide him with love, and a future to look forward to.
Thanks to their bond, as well as clever ingenuity by Samaira, no matter what may happen, they will forever find and be drawn to each other.

zethryn AMBROSE

The son of Samaira Ambrose, it did not take long for the young boy to attach himself to Fahn. Though he may have not directly helped with Fahn's memories, he did help bring out the humanity that Fahn had lost after being an Allagan experiment and mindless assassin.Everyday the pair train together, play together and eat together. Often following Fahn around like a lost puppy, Zethryn and Fahn have a familial bond transcends their bloodlines.

Nikita Ambrose
Mother Figure

In the days of Allagan Empire, Nika stood as a constant thorn in the side of Xande, Amon and all they stood for. Given her timeless nature, it was easy for her to see through the machinations of those controlling the empire.During this time, she took in a viera toddler with unusually pink hair named Fahn. No doubt a victim of the wars constantly waged.
Raising him as her own, she helped form the morals Fahn would have to this day. Constantly fighting against those seek to subjugate those weaker than them.Nika has had to see Fahn die more than once after being memory wiped and forced to serve under the oppressors he was raised to fight against. For over 5000 years, she thought her adopted son lost, after fighting against his mind control and risking his life to save hers.
Kiyoha Kuzunoha

In the distant dystopian future of the cyberpunk city of Neo-Kugane, Fahn was a Yokai rebel fighting against any powers that be. Memory wiped by an organization called Sector 7 who uses brainwashed Yokai as robotic hit squads, The only thing Fahn was left with was a hatred for Kami, and his skills.After demolishing a Sector 7 facility, Kiyoha found him within inches of his life. She made him an offer; Die here, or join me in my fight against the Kami and tyranny that hold us all down.
Ever since, Fahn has served as Kiyoha's right hand and has learned to trust her, and those under her, despite Kiyoha being a kami.
I absolutely love to gpose, and will do so for just about any reason. Below are poses I've done with many people.Sam and Fahn of course.Special connections are poses with some of the best people I know.Action shots... Because sometimes, I just want to kick something.And then some old stuff. Fahn before he became Fahn.